Diversity in action . . . I gotta problem.


Diversity in writing is a movement sweeping through the publishing industry. And I have a problem with it.

I want to talk comic books for a moment. No, don’t leave. You’re a writer. Comics aren’t what they used to be  . . . for better or worse. So stay with me on this. You’ll see where I am going momentarily, maybe.

Thor is a Wfemale_thor.jpgoman

“The inscription on Thor’s hammer reads ‘Whosoever holds this hammer, if HE be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.’ Well it’s time to update that inscription,” says Marvel editor Wil Moss.


Captain America is African American

“For most of his professional life, Sam has worked as a social worker, so he’s seen the worst of urban society up close, and how crime, poverty, lack of social structure and opportunity can affect the community.”-Editor Tom Brevoort

I’m from the South. What do you…

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