Paperback Release; Crazy, Undercover, Love – the day has come!

‘Most definitely a must read for all romance fans!’ – Chicks That Read

‘I couldn’t put the book down!’ – Erin’s Choice

I’m so incredibly excited to be able to say that my debut novel Crazy, Undercover, Love published by HarperImpulse is out as a paperback today!!

Crazy Undercover Love Cover

Since it was released as an eBook in April, I’ve been overwhelmed by the support I’ve received from family, friends, other writers … and of course, my lovely readers. I really appreciate each and every review written, because it means someone has felt passionate enough about the book – one way or another – to give up their time and share their thoughts about the story.

It feels like a dream come true that not only is it available as an eBook on a dizzying amount of websites, but it’s also on the Waterstones website –, and Amazon – – for…

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Christina Farley’s Silvern Reviewed – Revving up the Mythology while Ramping up the Challenge

Joe's Geek Fest

ChristinaFarley Christina Farley

Christina Farley pulled a rabbit, or rather a Blue Dragon, out of a hat with Gilded (reviewed here); was there anything left in the hat for Silvern? You see, one of the things that made Gilded such a fun, fresh read was the use Korean mythology juxtaposed to modern day Seoul, South Korea and the international students populating this world. So, its sequel, Silvern, had a bit of a challenge; the world Christina Farley created so well is now, comparatively speaking, old hat. Can Silvern generate the same level of excitement with that newly minted shine dulled a bit with use? No, no it can’t. Instead it goes even further, generating a whole new level of intensity with established relationships going deeper, a much more involved romp in the Spirit World and a foray into North Korea. It is a slightly darker, more intense world with…

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Keepers of the Planetary Flame

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

nick north days 032
I came across the Keepers of the Planetary Flame some years ago via Coleston Brown, author of many esoteric books including Secrets of a Faery Landscape and TheMystery of the Seven Directions (with Gareth Knight). I joined the group in, I believe, 2008 and the simple, daily practice became part of my life.

The woman who was doing much of the admin for the group and sending out the newsletter became a close friend, one of that handful of very special people who waltz into your heart and take up permanent residence.

When my son was attacked and left for dead, the individuals who make up the KPF rallied round and messages, prayers and healing were sent from across the planet; messages I treasure still. Their kindness and care made a huge difference when things were at their worst for my family, and as my son recovered I…

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Indie Reader Approved NIRMALA: The Mud Blossom by Fiza Pathan


Review of NIRMALA: The Mud Blossom

“Anyone who reads Pathan’s story will fall in love with her protagonist and will feel sad when the book comes to a close.” 

IR Approved Sticker 2

The cover of Fiza Pathan's new Kindle book

NIRMALA: THE MUD BLOSSOM, by author Fiza Pathan, is the heartbreaking story of a young Indian girl who endures numerous hardships, while living under the regime of abusive parents and a poverty-stricken lifestyle. Pathan successfully brings to life the tale of this strong girl named Nirmala (which translates to mud blossom) as she works to fulfill her goal of achieving an education despite getting frequent beatings from her parents and living in fear of being kicked out of her home.

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Meido: Living Beyond Childhood Fear by Kevin Cooper


Meido: Living Beyond Childhood Fear by Kevin Cooper starts out like something out of The Exorcist and instantly eases to the gentle gardens the author lived in when a child. The contrast is startling and effective as if comparing Mark Twain’s writing with Stephen King, both equally brilliant. The author masters at scene descriptions: the colors of butterflies, the texture of plants, a caterpillar crawling from a leaf up his arm, the minutiae of description on an ominous spider; all serve to draw the reader into a feeling of being there, a mark of well written prose. The outside gardens, three different in nature and description, move into the house with equal detail and invitation as the story continues, introducing his sister, father, soon to be stepmom and grandparents. It’s a sweet life, before meido, leaving the reader to wonder what the hell brought the child out of his idyllic…

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